Herbal & Medical Plants in Somalia - Part. 2

Part One of the report | Prof. Mohamoud Iman Adan- Keydmedia - Virginia, USA - Part Two of the report - Keydmedia report is about potential herbal and medicinal trees found in Somalia in large commercial quantities, which bugles the mind bugling. Who this natural wealth is tapped?
Article Keydmedia Online
Herbal & Medical Plants in Somalia - Part. 2

Security, stability and positive environment are the basics of any nation’s economic and social development. 

Although the country’s political function groups jockeyed for power and disseminated discord among the brotherly ethnic communities in the past 21 odd years-just for mundane selfish interest – nevertheless, the spirit of Somali business venturesome can do a lot to invest and promote development of home grown medicine, as well as competing on diverse pharmaceutical supply for the world. Perhaps, we can offer the world communities a host of knew medicinal front in short supply of the world market.

The 2nd chapter of herbal and medicinal plants is the following:  

4. Qurac- Pronounce (Qu ra’)

What it is used for?

Qu’ rac’ is the same acacia tree family as Jeerin and Gumar, which is commonly grown most the country’s terrain. Qu’rac is a slow growing hardwood tree, about 2-3m tall and spreads its branches as an umbrella shape.

Qu’ra’ is a major therapeutic asset for stopping bleeding and preventing/curing infections by wrapping its fresh bark fiber on the bleeding part of the body.

Qu’ra’ leaves and pods are cured on high blood pressure and elimination of stomach worms in people, especially in children. Its dark-brown gum called Xabag-dhiig pronounced (Ha’bag’-dheeg) is a medical compound and mixed with water and cured infections and the red eye. Habag dhiig also cure gingivitis.

Qurac has another use for urban households: Charcoal traders collect dried branches and stem and burn to turn into charcoal for domestic use and for export. Farming Qurac is for pharmaceutical needs are quite possible. Its seeds are grown for a year or two in nurseries and planted in the farm prior the rainy season. Qu’rac has no natural enemies except livestock who love to browse on its seedlings and tender off shoots.

6. Banji/Geed Jinni- pronounced (Ban’ji)
What it is used for

Locally, Banji is called the Devil’s plant. It has a nutshell of 8 chambers contains small grey seeds the size of sesame seeds that contain intoxicant substance. Thugs reduce the seeds to powder and blend with drinks in the intent of robbing or raping unsuspecting victims while under the influence of the Banji compound. Also, asthmatic patients smoke Banji flowers and dried leaves for relief. Banji potential medical benefit is not yet known.

Farming Banji

Banji is a dwarf, seasonal plant commonly grown on the wild on sandy terrains and thrives on scanty rainfall. Banji can be planted among the other plantations. Banji is evergreen plant and its fruits can be picked up as they mature within 90 days.

It does not need farm machinery, irrigation system, tilling, fertilizers or pesticides, and can be harvested by cheap farm hands. Animals do not browse on its fruits, leaves and flowers and the plant has no natural enemies.

7. Dacar (Aloe Vera)-pronounced (Da’ar)
What it is used?

Dacar is a multi-dimensional traditional medicine grown almost 90% of local terrains. Dacar tolerates hot, humid weather and survives on scanty rainfall. With irrigation system, however, the plant absorbs more water and grows larger, fleshy and taller branches containing more medicinal sap.

Dacar medical benefit include: Healing red eyes and recovering good eye sight. The dry leaves of Dacar are used as mosquito repellent by fumigating dwellings at sun-set. Dacar is locally used as effective, preventive anti-malaria medicine; and as sun-burn lotion cream by mixing its sap with coconut oil.

Also, Dacar is a very effective emergency kit applied on severe burns of people and animals, etc. Dacar may offer more therapeutic medicine, but the local people do not have any in-depth knowledge about its medicinal magnitude.

Farming Dacar

Farming Dacar can be a cost effective agricultural commodity on commercial scale by developing large plantations on sandy terrains and tolerates hot, dry weather. Growing Dacar plantation does not require farm machinery, land clearance, or water irrigation-unless it is required otherwise.

Dacar harvest does not need machinery and can be operated by unskilled cheap farm hands. It needs a good supply of seeds and land, and the rest is run by cheap labor force. Dacar has no natural enemy and animals do not feed on it.

8. Gogobo- pronounced (Go’go’bo)
What it is used for?

Gogobo roots are crushed to extract a medicinal sap used to eliminate parasites off the animal skin. The medical compound of Gogobo treats affected animal skin, and kills intestinal worms in animals, chicken and children. Within three weeks of treatment, animals show a healthy skin and put on more weight.

Gogobo for Cost-effective Commercial Purposes

Gogobo is a seasonal plant about 40-60cm tall with tough fleshy leaves and thorny seeds and grows almost 95% of the country terrains. Farming Gogobo is cheap and straightforward. Gogobo does not require land preparation, farm machinery for plowing the soil and harvesting. It does not need costly tilling, supervision and handling operations.  

Unskilled labor hands can plant the seeds prior the rainy days by using only hand-held hoes and coming back to harvest after 90 days by uprooting the plants, or at the end of the wet season. Again, Gogobo leaves have other use for pastoral communities: Its leaves are used as aromatic, substitute tea leaves.

-? Part Three of the Report - Click Here!


Prof. Mohamoud Iman Adan - Keydmedia.net Chief Editor - Virginia, USA - Mohamoud.iman.adan@keydmedia.net

Article 21 May 2021 10:14

I read your article on Foreign Policy with keen eyes and interest. While whining from public officials does not deserve response from any sensible citizen of the Republic of Somalia, I felt compelled to counter false narrative with more objective analysis.