Al-shabab abducts Somali female and family minister

Jowhar (Keydmedia) - After Somali PM late yesterday announced his cabinet, Al-Qaeda linked terrorist group Al-shabab abducted Somali family minister, Asho Abdullah Oman.
News Keydmedia Online

Eyewitness in Bal’ad resident in middle Shabelle region in southern Somalia confirmed to Keydmedia that masked gunmen entered the house of the minister and arrested her taking as hostage.

Asho Abdullah Oman is the first Somali minister abducted by Al-shabab militant and her abduction came after less than 24 hours of becoming Somali female and family minister..

Also Somali MPs hail from the minister’s clan told to Keydmedia the abduction. Asho Abdullah Oman used to live in the resident, and the prime minister named her as family minister.

Al-shabab already killed members of the minister’s family.  The group killed at least five ministers with bam explosions.

Al-shabab has not yet commented the abduction of the minister. Asho Abdullah Oman is the only female minister in Abdi wels’s cabinet.

Somali prime minister, Abdi Weli Muhammad Ali announced on Wednesday his cabinet consist of 18 ministers.

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