Questions raised over who is in control of the Somali Special forces

The outgoing President has been accused of using excessive forces against opposition groups and has a hidden agenda in those trained heavily armed special forces whom he previously used to crackdown peaceful protest.

News Keydmedia Online
Questions raised over who is in control of the Somali Special forces

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The former deputy Chief of Somalia's Intelligence Agency, Gen. Abdalla Abdalla has raised serious questions about who the special forces trained by Turkey and the US serve and where their loyalty lies. 

Abdalla said that Gorgor, Haram'ad, and Danab forces are mandated to carry out special operations in the line with laws such as counter-terrorism and pirates and figured out that the government failed to regulate laws to apply to conduct such offensives.

“Somalia is still to manage many useful and viable things that must be abiding by the laws including the tasking special forces with specific operations to counter-terrorism but what we see now is namely but with different mission assigned to,” he said.

According to him, Somalia is still a long way to go when it comes to take the responsibility for maintaining its own security urging that Somalis could first reconcile over the building of a united national army.

“Or otherwise, every leader should have his own forces loyal to him in regards to his commandment and what we see now is a clear indication,” he said.

The outgoing President has been accused of using excessive forces against opposition groups and has a hidden agenda in those trained heavily armed special forces whom he previously used to crackdown peaceful protest.

Abdalla Abdalla was sacked in September 2018 after engaging in a confrontation with NISA Chief, Fahad Yasin.


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