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Kenya announced yesterday that it would not attend the court hearing, citing unfairness and being denied a fourth adjournment to prepare for the sea boundary row case.
HAGUE - The International Court of Justice (ICJ) based in the Hague, Netherlands has on Monday afternoon officially begun hearing the case of the maritime border dispute between Somalia and Kenya.
The court is hearing the case in the absence of Kenya and from Somalia which originally filed the lawsuit in 2014 after the two sides failed to end the dispute through diplomatic means.
Kenya announced yesterday that it would not attend the court hearing, citing unfairness and being denied a fourth adjournment to prepare for the sea boundary row case.
Apparently, the ICJ will decide the maritime case regardless of the missing side, and this is not the first time as it has done so there has already been a case between China and the Philippines on the missing side.
The Somali delegation is led by Deputy Prime Minister Mahdi Guled and accompanied by top officials, including the Attorney General, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the Somali Ambassador to the UN.
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