Keydmedia Online is under expansion!
Less than three days after the "WikiLeaks App" — which has no official affiliation with WikiLeaks but whose developer promised to spend every dollar as a donation to WikiLeaks — appeared in the App Store, Apple removed it.
The $1.99 app, which was released in the store on Friday, was no longer available by yesterday afternoon. By the time it was removed, it had been downloaded 4,434 times, amassing in profit $5,825 for Russian-based Hint Solutions, a developer of software and smart phone applications. In an interview via Skype this morning, general manager Igor Barinov told me $4,434 will be transferred to WikiLeaks, fulfilling a promise he made to donate $1 from each download purchased towards online democracy and "Internet freedom," to "help fund the legal defense costs in the event that high-profile Internet journalists will be charged in a United States Court."
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