Ilo Diplomaasi ayaa u sheegay Wargeyska The EastAfrican inaysan “waaqici ahayn” in Francisco Madeira uu dib ugu soo laabto Soomaaliya ka dib markii uu dalku ka xayuubiyay dhowr arrimood oo diblomaasiyadeed.
ATMIS said in a statement that the operation was aimed at ensuring the security of the base, which houses western diplomatic missions, including the U.S. embassy, UN agencies, and the headquarters of the AU forces.
Collaboration between Mogadishu and Somalia's federal states on security would also be essential to achieve these outcomes -- trust that in some cases is nonexistent.
Shaqada ugu weyn ATMIS qabanayso, ayaa ah inay u diyaariso Ciidanka Soomaaliya inay mas’uuliyadda amniga dalka la wareegaan mudo labo sano gudahooda, iyadoo howlgalka ku eg yahay sanadka 2024.
AMISOM, whose mandate expired on Thursday, was a peace support operation with nearly 20,000 forces on the ground mainly from Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, Burundi, and Djibouti.
Sida ku cad qaraarka la ansixiyay Maanta, ATMIS ayaa hoos-tagi doonto dowladda Soomaaliya, halka markii hore AMISOM laga xukumi jiray Addis Ababa, waxayna xoogga saari doonaan xasilinta dalka.
The Al-Qaeda-linked Al-Shabaab militants have controlled Mogadishu until 2011 when they were pushed out by Amisom troops, but still hold territory in the countryside.
According to AMISOM, IEDs are the preferred weapon of choice for the al-Shabab, who often plant them on main supply routes, targeting AMISOM and government troops, but civilians often get hit.
Kooxda hubeysan ayaa kasoo gashay Xerada Xalane dhinaca Mariina Gate, oo ku dhaw Iskuul Bulusiya, waxayna barta Koontarool ay ku dileen dhowr askari.
CONOPS 2022-2024 is a comprehensive document that will, together with the Somali Transition Plan (STP), give direction to the operations of the ATMIS.
Uganda waa dalkii ugu horeeyay oo Ciidan usoo diray Muqdisho billowgii 2007, waxaana ay ka joogaan tirada ugu badan AMISOM.
However, donor countries majorly UN Security council permanent states like the US, China, Russia, France, and the UK including a large section of Somalia authorities believe AMISOM value has waned.