Gedo waxaa ka socda dhaq-dhaqaaq Ciidan oo uu wado Wasiirkii hore ee amniga Jubbaland C/rashiid Janan.
Farmaajo ayaa Gedo ka saarey gacanta Axmed Madoobe, kadib markii uu u ciray Ciidan Turkiga oo tabararey oo Gogor katirsan, kuwaasoo dagaal kula galay Beled-Xaawo askarta Jubbaland 2021.
Wuxuu ahaa nin Gedo xasiliyay, oo aan Al-Shabaab uga baqi jirtay, waxaana lagu amaaney doorkii uu ka qaatey Nabadda intii uu ifka joogay, oo shaqada NISA hayay.
Bakaal Kooke ayaa dhawaan lagu dilay qarax Miino xili uu jiray Khilaaf isaga kala dhaxeeya Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Gedo, oo xiriir dhaw la leh Itoobiya.
Al-Shabaab has claimed responsibility for the killing of the NISA officer in a statement posted on it's affiliated media outlets.
Khasaaro ayaa la sheegay inuu ka dhashay weerarka oo imaanaya xili gobolka Gedo Ciidamo uu ku duubalayo Farmaajo, si uu meesha uga saaro Axmed Madoobe.
Kuraastan ayaa ahaa kuwa buuq iyo khilaaf badan uu hareeyay doorashadooda, waxaana ugu dambeyn loo wareejiyay Ceel-Waak oo Axmed Madoobe ka taliya.
Both PM Roble and Jubaland leader welcomed FEIT statement on the relocation of the election.
Farmajo, who hails from the region is accused of being behind the standoff as he wants to hijack the 16 seats of the Lower House in Garbaharey.
Beled Hawo rally came after Jubaland Vice President Mohamud Sayid Adan who hails from the region said the parliamentary election could not be held in Garbaharey at this time, citing unsettled challenges.
Al-Shabaab was driven out of large swathes of territory in southern Somalia since 2011 but the group maintains to hold rural areas.
The fighting between the two clan militias is based on a land dispute in the area, and six people have been confirmed dead and 10 others wounded, according to Doloe district administration officials.