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Warar Keydmedia Online | 6 January 2023

Las Anod mayor Abdirahim Ali Ismail said armed confrontation escalated between civilians and the military in the town on Wednesday after a local merchant was shot dead.

Warar Keydmedia Online | 5 January 2023

Shacabka ayaa hadda gacanta ku haya magaaladda, waxaana laga taagay wadooyinka Calanka Soomaaliya, oo horey mamnuuc uga ahaa meel ay Somaliland maamusho.

Warar Keydmedia Online | 3 January 2023

President Bihi accused the Somali government of being behind the unrest in Lasanod and said that Somaliland will defend its land if the 5 regional administrations of Somalia attack the city.

Warar Keydmedia Online | 3 January 2023

Businesses have been closed for the second week, as the residents staged demonstrations to demand the withdrawal of the Somaliland troops who have been in control since 2007.

Warar Keydmedia Online | 1 January 2023

Human rights organizations in the country said Somaliland is committing crimes against humanity in Lasan after more than 20 civilians were shot dead in the city in one week, including children.

Warar Keydmedia Online | 31 December 2022

Laascaanood ayaa tan iyo 2007 gacanta ugu jirtay Somaliland, waxaana shacabka degaanka ay diidan yihiin Maamulka gooni u goosadka dusha looga keenay, ee lagu qasbayo.

Warar Keydmedia Online | 31 December 2022

In ka badan 20 qof, oo culimada, waxgarad, siyaasiyiin, dhalinyaro, dumar iyo Carruur isagu jira, ayaa ku dhimatay rasaasta Ciidamada maamulka Somaliland ay ku ridayaan dadka shacabka ah, ee diidan gooni-u-goosadka.

Warar Keydmedia Online | 29 December 2022

The President of Somaliland, Muse Bihi Abdi, who spoke about the violence in Las Anod, said that three people were killed and nine others were injured. However, local medics reported a higher toll.

Warar Keydmedia Online | 28 December 2022

In October, Somalia signed a petroleum exploration agreement for seven offshore blocks with United States-based Coastline Exploration.

Warar Keydmedia Online | 22 December 2022

Coldoon ayaa ku caanbaxay safamalka dadka duruufaha gaarka ah haystaan, isagoo safaro ku taga Muqdisho, Puntland iyo meelo kale oo dalka kamid ah.

Warar Keydmedia Online | 8 December 2022

Maamulka Somaliland ayaa sheegay inay dowladda Mareykanka siinayso goobo saldhigyo militeri ka sameysto oo ku yaalla magaaladda Berbera, si ay u hesho taageeradda Washington ee dhinaca aqoonsiga ay 30-ka raadinaysay.

Warar Keydmedia Online | 5 December 2022

The two regional states have been at loggerheads over the control of the Sool and Sanaag regions which are located on their border.