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Last month, Biden approved a Patnagaton request to redeploy the US troops to Somalia to help local and AU forces in the fight against Al-Shabaab.
The AU mission said the training will reinforce the knowledge and skills of the troops on the need to protect civilians and also help them understand the need to protect civilian populations during security operations.
In September 2015, at least 50 AU troops were reported by Western military sources to have died when Al-Shabaab fighters overran a military base southwest of Mogadishu.
Warbaahinta dowladda ayaa sheegtay in la iska caabiyay weerarka Al-Shabaab ay ku qaadey saldhiga Ciidamada ATMIS, oo hore loo oran jiray AMISOM.
She noted that the handover complied with the Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) protocol, which outlines procedures for the storage and management of weapons.
Williams pointed out other problems that plagued the training mission such as the inability to pay stipends to trainees, the lack of field mentoring, and a failure to monitor and assess Somali trainees after SNA had deployed them.
The soldiers, who were deployed to the mission in March 2021, are due to rotate out of the mission, having completed their one-year tour of duty, and will be replaced by Battle Group 35.
ATMIS said in a statement that the operation was aimed at ensuring the security of the base, which houses western diplomatic missions, including the U.S. embassy, UN agencies, and the headquarters of the AU forces.
Collaboration between Mogadishu and Somalia's federal states on security would also be essential to achieve these outcomes -- trust that in some cases is nonexistent.
Shaqada ugu weyn ATMIS qabanayso, ayaa ah inay u diyaariso Ciidanka Soomaaliya inay mas’uuliyadda amniga dalka la wareegaan mudo labo sano gudahooda, iyadoo howlgalka ku eg yahay sanadka 2024.
The most recent extended lockdown of the Base Camp took place from 17th December 2021 to 8th January 2022 (end of the year festive season).