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The outgoing president Farmajo won the 2017 election after receiving millions of US dollars from Qatar through Fahad Yasin, a former Al Jazeera journalist currently serving as spy head.
One seat in parliament was bought for $ 1 million during the 2016 house poll by the owner of one of the airlines operating in Somalia, breaking a record of election corruption in Africa, maybe across the world.
Fahad Yasin, who maintains close links with Qatar set to vie for parliament seat against former justice minister Farah Abdikadir, an influential politician in Somalia.
Beledweyne waxaa yaalla Kursiga uu raba Fahad Yaasiin inuu ku fariisto, kaasoo mudo sanado badan ku fadhiyay Faarax C/qaadir.
Saddexdii Sano ee Fahad hogaanka NISA hayay waxay hay'adda noqotay mid lagu weeraro Mucaaradka, Warbaahinta iyo Madaxda dowlad Goboleedyada ka fekerka duwan Farmaajo.
Kiiskan Gabadhan katirsanayd hay'adda NISA ayaa madax-xanuun ku noqday Rooble kadib markii uu Farmaajo carqaladeeyay baaritaanka.
The standoff between the term-ended Somali president Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo and PM Roble emerged early this month after the dismissal of NISA chief Fahad Yasin.
The outgoing President has been accused of using excessive forces against opposition groups and has a hidden agenda in those trained heavily armed special forces whom he previously used to crackdown peaceful protest.
Wuxuu ku lug leeyahay dembi kasta oo ka dhan ah bini'aadanimada oo laga galay Shacabka Soomaaliyeed.
NISA boss, who is the right-hand man of Farmajo was receiving updates about the talks from State Minister for Transport, Abdirahman ‘Dheere’ at the forum and dictating the PM, according to the MP.
Qatar has had a strong influence on Somali politics for the past four years and managed to expel UAE missions in the country, thanks to its man in Villa Somalia, Fahad Yasin who facilitated this.
Musharaxa ayaa ku eedeeyay Maamulka Farmaajo inuu burburiyay dimuqraadiyadda curdunka ah ee Soomaaliya, islamarkaana uu hirgelinayo nidaam Kaligii-talis ah.