Ex-Somali colonel, former Ohio resident, ordered to pay $15M in damages in civil torture case

Mogadishu(KON)-A former Somali military colonel who left the United States while facing civil allegations that he tortured a human rights advocate was ordered by a federal judge on Tuesday to pay $15 million in damages.
News Keydmedia Online

Federal Judge Mark Abel awarded the compensation to Abukar Hassan Ahmed, who in a 2010 lawsuit said he endured months of torture in the 1980s during interrogations in Somalia. A judge had previously ruled that the former colonel, Abdi Aden Magan, was responsible for the torture.

Ahmed filed the lawsuit in April 2010, stating that Magan oversaw his detention and torture in Somalia in 1988. Ahmed said that three months of torture he endured make it painful for him to sit and injured his bladder to the point that he is incontinent.

Ahmed said the torture occurred when Magan served as investigations chief of the National Security Service of Somalia, a force dubbed the Black SS or the Gestapo of Somalia because of its harsh techniques used to gain confessions from detainees.

One of Ahmed

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