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15 people were killed and more than 70 others wounded in the latest bombardment of AMISOM troops in Mogadishu for over the past two days.
Ahmed Derie Ali, the spokesman of Hawiye elders said that more civilians died in the bitter shelling that AMISOM troops targeted to more different civilian populated areas in the capital.
The spokesman had harshly condemned the shelling against the civilians pointing out they often target to the innocent civilians expressing surprise about the reasons that AMIOSM troops target the areas of the ordinary people in Mogadishu calling them to stop the mortars against the people.
Ahmed Derie had also called for the Islamist fighters against the transitional government of Somalia to halt the clashes to save the lives of more civilians who are dying for sake of them.
On the other hand several members of the transitional parliamentarians had also condemned AMISOM’s shelling against the civilians in Mogadishu.
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