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Keydmedia English has made in-depth analysis to find out more details about the barrage on heavily fortified Villa Somali palace and who was to blame. It has been discovered that former Al-shabab elements, but defected and joined later into government security agencies have carried out the assault for political agenda purpose.
Several high-ranking officials in Somalia government who asked on condition of anonymity confirmed to Keydmedia English News that the employers of the assailants were apprehended after search operations and arrested in undisclosed location under TFG security agency in Mogadishu.
Somali government has hired hundreds of Al-shabab defectors in a bid to become a part of the security agencies, after having seen to take part operations to hunt down rebels hiding out into the population in the capital, but turned to it.
A female shop seller near the palace told Keydmedia English News by phone that there is a man defected recently from Al-shabab insurgents called Mohammed Al-Ansaar, whom TFG has provided a luxury car, weapons and large sums of money as reward.
“I asked myself how this man was immediately trusted by the government while he was one of the Al-shabab commanders who used to direct the mortar attack in Mogadishu at Afur time (evening breakfast) in the past Ramadan months, she added.
Keydmedia English knew during the investigation of the mortars targeted on the heavily-fortified Somali presidential compound in Mogadishu was politically motivated attack. The names of attackers will soon be revealed! - Mogadishu, Somalia
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