Somali meets Turkish Navy commander on a Warship at Mogadishu Seaport

MOGADISHU (KON)--Somali president Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, along with prime minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed, several ministers and army commanders have on Thursday visited 4 Turkish warships arrived at Mogadishu seaport, KON reports.
News Keydmedia Online
Somali meets Turkish Navy commander on a Warship at Mogadishu Seaport

While on board one of the warships, Somali president met with Turkish maritime commander Admiral Ali Murat and other military officials and received a medical aid from Turkish marines that is intended to help the suffering people at Mogadishu hospitals. 

"I thank Turkish government and its people for their unwavering  and continues support to the people of Somalia at this critical time. Turkey has build us hospitals, streets and schools in Mogadishu for the past 3 years, with helping thousands of IDPs during the recent drought and famine," Somali president said at news conference on a destroyer. 

Turkey’s involvement in Somalia emerged in 2011 when Prime Minister Recep Tayyib Erdogan paid a rare visit to Mogadishu, becoming the first non-African leader to visit the war-torn city for two decades. 

Turkish military officials held discussions with Somalia

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