A university graduate killed in Mogadishu amid increasing attacks

The security agencies are accused of failing to secure the city and avert the attacks from Al-Shabaab as the new president Hassan Sheikh vowed to liberate the country within one year.

News Keydmedia Online
A university graduate killed in Mogadishu amid increasing attacks

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Since last month, the attacks in Mogadishu are increasing, with many civilians losing their lives every day in the terrorist incidents which come as Al-Shabaab loses ground.

On 29th October, the militants carried out a twin car bomb attack at a high-traffic area in the capital's Zoobe junction, where at least 121 people were killed and more than 300 others wounded.

The city witnessed another deadly attack at a military training camp in Wadajir district on Saturday evening, where an Al-Shabaab bomber targeted new recruits in line to enroll for abroad training.

Today, early morning assailants armed with pistols killed a university graduate in Mogadishu. Abdirahman Omar Abshirow was killed outside his house in Dharkenley district, according to the police.

The late young man was the brother of the current deputy speaker of the Lower House Chamber of the Federal parliament. His murder drew condemnation from the house speaker Aden Madobe.

The security agencies are accused of failing to secure the city and avert the attacks from Al-Shabaab as the new president Hassan Sheikh vowed to liberate the country within one year.


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