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He mentioned that upon his arrival at the scene, the security guards of Shueib pointed guns at him before managing to get away and that the killing of late DC was a deliberate act of assassination.
MOGADISHU, Somalia - The first decree Somali Military Court seated for the hearing of the murder case of late Hodan DC, Abdihakim Dhegajun who was killed earlier this year at a police checkpoint in Mogadishu.
The chief police commission of Hodan district, Bashir Abdi Siyad revealed in front of the court that his Howlwadag counterpart, Shueib Abdi Mohamud maintained his presence in the area during the incident that led up to the shooting of the DC with some of the perpetrators escaped from the spot immediately.
He mentioned that upon his arrival at the scene, the security guards of Shueib pointed guns at him before managing to get away and that the killing of late DC was a deliberate act of assassination.
During the night when the incident took place, Bashir said that his counterpart informed him of a special operation to conduct against smuggling vehicles carrying drugs on the way to the main junction of his district.
The DC of Hodan was killed hours after arriving from Turkey where he was receiving medical treatment after sustaining an injury from a bomb explosion aimed at him last year.
The family and the relatives of the DC accused his killing of certain people who they said roam freely in the capital and blamed the outgoing President for injustice.
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