Part 1: A Different Perspective For Long Lasting Peace And Stability In Somalia

Keydmedia Online - In this book, the central hypothesis is to regain stability in Somalia one must return to clan-democracy. In their traditional roles, elders can accelerate efforts of healing the wounds of the Somali political and social conflict.
Editorial Keydmedia Online
Part 1: A Different Perspective For Long Lasting Peace And Stability In Somalia

The book demonstrates an undeniable tool that describes lessons learned from the last twenty-one years of war that destroyed the very fabric of Somalia nation. Dr. Mohamed Warsame-Kimico looks for the solution of the Somali problem through scholarly analysis.

Through his experience, Dr. Mohamed Warsame-Kimico argues that the constituents of the Somali society can thrive with an agreeable- strong government if the power is shared with the Somali elders who have always been the practitioners in reconciliation. Starting peace and reconciliation in essence is to go back the roots: the clan system will make Somalia a stable country.

Clan is a social and political unit of government that is powerful and magnificent. Each clan elder represents his tribe, defending the dignity and bride of the Somali people. Moreover, political and clan dignitaries also bring their efforts to create an independent juristic system based of the traditional xeer, customary laws, which protects people from any aggressions.

This powerful book provides an essential background of the causative factors of war in Somalia, the appropriate traditional ways of mending the longstanding conflict for quick resolution. This fascinating book lays out, concisely for its originality, mindfulness, clarity and accuracy.

Dr. Omar Ahmed "Omar Turdho" - Keydmedia Online

This book was first presented as a paper, on 30 November 2003 to H.E, Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President of Uganda and the then Chairman of the IGAD Heads of States engaged in the Somali Peace and Reconciliation Conference in Nairobi. Copies were also handed out to most members of the international donor community especially that had directly concerned them to bringing about long lasting peace in Somalia.

The paper urged the president and the international community to consider the Somali question within its own context and the proper perspective where the appropriate solution lay: the Somali people constituted by the clans and their system. It also suggested a change in the course of the Conference that would bring in home grown solutions as opposed to imposed solutions by all means.
The relevance of the proposition contained therein remains and will always remain just as valid as it was back then. In essence, we have to go back to the roots: the clan system.


This book has been published almost seven years after it was first presented as a paper to H.E. Museveni, President of Uganda and as per November, 2003, the new chairman of IGAD. The only addition that has been made is the Preface to introduce the book and to justify the need for a comprehensive study for the convening of a: “Decision-making National Conference of all the Somali Clans”

Many people have blamed, and perhaps unjustly, the clans for the demise of the Somali State. If this is the case, perhaps the clans should be ordered to restore the State, after all it is they alone who can do this. Initially, I had thought it imperative that the ideas presented in this book should really be taken up by government or an Institution who would then own the product. In the absence of such bodies, I have thought it incumbent that I publish it by myself where I can. I realize that some of the readers may immediately react negatively to the idea of the clans solving the crisis believing that it is far-fetched.

It is precisely because of this that I wish to appeal to my countrymen to consider the proposition within its own merit and context, and read the book with an open mind and without any outright prejudice whatsoever.

Please also keep in mind that those who loudly speak against the clans are really those who practice clanism as a profession for their own personal gain. Like every one of you, I just happened to be a Somali born into one of your many interlocked clan-sub-clans system and I love my country as much as you do. Each of us, no doubt, wants our protracted crisis solved and our failed State restored but the big question is how and by what means? We have run out of ideas, it seems, and succumbed to mental paralysis and desperation.

Yet we must continue searching, a responsibility we all share. On my part, after serious consideration of all possible options and analysis of the results of the many internationally sponsored attempts made so far, I have come to the definite conclusion that only a “Redefined/Restructured Clan System” can restore the failed State and bring back peace and normalcy to Somalia. All other avenues will lead only to perpetuation of transitory arrangements and continuously deteriorated crisis.

What I am presenting to the reader herewith is not just an academic exercise but concrete ideas and proposals, hopefully acceptable. Therefore, I would appreciate it if you could give me support, and at least your inputs and different ideas, however contrary to those that I have expressed. Consider your ideas as a contribution to the solution of Somalia’s long running crisis. Obviously, some parts of the book such as in section four may no longer be relevant but remain incorporated just to demonstrate the Author’s mind set at the time.

Next Chapter: Background to Where the Rains Begun to Hit Us

By Dr. Mohamed Warsame - Kimiko - Keydmedia Online Exclusive

Dr. Kimiko is a Somali politician and diplomat. He has occupied various diplomatic posts in Somalia since independence in 1960, including Somali Ambassador to the United States in 1980.

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