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Somalia declared its full solidarity with China in defending its sovereignty and territorial integrity while affirming its firm position to respect the one-China policy, considering Taiwan an inalienable part of China's territory.
MOGADISHU, Somalia - China has thanked the Federal Government of Somalia for the support and solidarity it has shown during a critical time it faces interference from the United States.
A statement from the Chinese Embassy in Mogadishu said that Beijing and Mogadishu have long and historic relations of friendship and cooperation on issues concerning their respective core interests and major concerns.
We are touched by and grateful for the strong support of the Association and many ordinary Somali people for China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. It's not only for China but also for all sovereign nations whose independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity are at stake," said the Chinese ambassador to Somalia FEI Shengchao.
Somalia declared its full solidarity with China in defending its sovereignty and territorial integrity while affirming its firm position to respect the one-China policy, considering Taiwan an inalienable part of China's territory.
Somalia reiterates its resolute support for China's sovereignty, political independence, territorial integrity, and national unity, and calls for adherence to relevant United Nations and African Union resolutions" said Somalia's foreign affairs ministry.
Somalia's decision comes as relations between the two superpowers - US and China have nosedived in the wake of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's trip to Taiwan last week which sparked tension.
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