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Waa bogga Wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee Puntland ka soo baxa. Boggaan waxaad ka haleysa Qoraallo, Fallanqeyn iyo Wararka Deegaanka Puntland. Puntland ama Buntland waxay si rasmi ah u tahay Dowlad goboleedka Puntland, waa maamul goboleed ku yaalo woqooyi bari ee dalka Somaaliya. Maamulkaan caasimadiisa waa Garoowe ee gobolka Nugaal.
At least 20 people have died in Monday's fighting between two rival troops within the Puntland security agencies in Bossaso, the regional capital of Bari on the Gulf of Aden.
Bossaso was hit by a deadly clash on Monday morning after a humanitarian flight was turned back by troops acting on an order by the Puntland state.
In June 2021, Puntland has publicly executed 21 men after they were convicted of being members of the Islamist militant group Al-Shabaab. They were sentenced by a military court in Galkayo town.
The dispute is pitting President Said Deni and his deputy Ahmed Karaash, who are at loggerheads over who should make the decision to govern Puntland, a move that risks the fragile security in the region.
Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for the attack, says it killed nine soldiers, including senior Puntland commanders identified as Mohamed Jama Yusuf Hir and Said Abdikarim Muse Jibril.
Deni counts on 37 Puntland representatives in the 11th Federal parliament and some from Jubaland, where his friend Ahmed Madobe is working on his election.
Labo Kursi oo ay leedahay Beesha Cumar Maxamuud, ee degta gobolka Mudug ayuu Deni doonayaa inuu boobo, oo ku darsado liiska Xildhibaanada uu codkooda ku tashanayo, Maadaama uu yahay Musharax Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya.
For the past years, Puntland businessmen have been putting pressure on the government to end the DP World, saying they are disappointed with investing in the port of Bossaso as long the impediment exists.
Deni escaped unhurt in the attack which was later claimed by the Al-Shabaab militant group which has bases to train and stage attacks in the Bari region's mountains, mainly in Galgala.
According to Puntland SEIT, only two ex-MPs won re-election as the rest are fresh faces joining the next house. Gamal Mohamed Hassan, the current Somalia’s planning minister was barred from the contest.
Monday’s ambush attack aimed to assassinate Deni was claimed by the al Qaeda-linked militant group al Shabaab through a statement posted on its online affiliated websites. It said several soldiers were killed.
According to Amnesty International, six countries have executed juvenile offenders since 1990 -- Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, the United States, and Yemen.