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Abdikarim Muse “Qalbi-Dhagah” lands for the first time in Mogadishu since his 'illegal extradition' to Ethiopia by Hassan Ali Khaire's led government.
ONLF - Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) has been fighting for decades in the Ogaden region for the rights of the Somali people in the north of Ethiopia who were victims of the TPLF.
ONLF which fought in the Somali regional state in Ethiopia has welcomed the decision and commended PM Roble and his cabinet for the move, which the rebel group termed as historic and praiseworthy.
The outgoing Somali president Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo was accused of handing over former military officer Abdikarim Qalbi-Dhagah to Ethiopia.
ONLF waa urur gobonimo-doon ah, kaas oo ka soo horjeeda in Itoobiya ay gacanteeda ku sii jirto dhulka Soomaali galbeed, waxaana ururka la aas aasay sanadkii 1984-kii, markaas oo lagu yagleelay gudaha Magaalada Muqdisho.
Waxay ku tilmaameen go'aankii ONLF looga dhigay Ururka Argagaxiso Taariikh Madow, oo Mugdi ah, taasoo dhawacaysa xuquuqda muwaadinka.
Farmaajo ayaa Qalbi Dhagax u dhiibay Itoobiya August 2017 kadib markii laga soo qabtay Galmudug, isagoo arintaas kula kulmay hoos u dhac sumcadda iyo taageeradda Shacabka Soomaaliya.