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News Keydmedia Online | 6 June 2022

Moalim has held several top security-related positions in the past governments, including Farmajo’s national security advisor and deputy director of the National Intelligence and security agency [NISA].

News Keydmedia Online | 27 February 2022

Ethiopian military officials asked Ahmed Madobe to work with them to prevent TPLF from sneaking into Jubaland and tightening border security, particularly in the town of Dolow.

News Keydmedia Online | 25 January 2022

ONLF - Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) has been fighting for decades in the Ogaden region for the rights of the Somali people in the north of Ethiopia who were victims of the TPLF.

News Keydmedia Online | 10 November 2021

Speaking to the BBC, Minister Abdirizak said he was saddened by what was happening in Ethiopia, as well as the impact it could have on everything happening in neighboring countries.

News Keydmedia Online | 3 October 2021

The Horn of Africa country is in the worst political crisis over the elections and the murder of the senior NISA female official Ikran Tahlil Farah.

News Keydmedia Online | 23 August 2021

The top three buyers in total purchased over $1 billion of the total exports Ethiopia traded during the year, amounting to almost 28 percent of the $3.62 billion Ethiopia earned from exports.

News Keydmedia Online | 28 July 2021

Troops from the Somali regional state have been deployed to the scene of the latest clashes between Somali pastoralists and Afar militia. 

News Keydmedia Online | 21 July 2021

Sources confirmed to Keydmedia Online that dozens of Ethiopian troops are rushing to the scene at this very moment and attempting to cordon off the scene.   

News Keydmedia Online | 23 June 2021

Acting on Farmajo directive, Somalia’s trade and fisheries ministers inked a trade balance pact with Ethiopian envoy to Somalia Abdifitah Abdullahi Hassan on Sunday in which the country exchanges fish with the drug.

News Keydmedia Online | 10 June 2021

The former Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud in a speech last night criticized the Somali government's silence on the missing of youths taken to Eritrea.

News Keydmedia Online | 8 June 2021

The Somali government has repeatedly denied the allegations as baseless and unfounded. 

News Keydmedia Online | 26 July 2022

A resident of Ferfer town over the border in Somalia said a group of al Shabaab fighters had been pushed back into Somalia during fighting in Ethiopia on Monday.