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Hassan Sheikh was re-elected in May 15 election as the 10th president of Somalia after beating Farmajo, who lost his race for a second term in the office after five years in power.
Mohamud is a former academic and peace activist who was previously president from 2012 to 2017 but whose first administration was dogged by claims of corruption and infighting.
The country health ministry officials announced a drop in COVID-19 cases per day during the past few weeks.
The minister of health Fowsiya Abikar Nur urged the public to apply the health guidelines to contain the spread of the third wave of Covid-19 in Somalia.
Somalia has so far registered more than 19,000 COVID-19 cases and 1,079 deaths since the outbreak of the diseases in the country early last year.
Wasaaradda Caafimaadka ayaa lagu eedeeyay inay diiday dadka inay la wadaagto xog dhab ah oo ku saabsan tallaalka Coronavirus-ka.
Cudurka COVID19 ayaa si aad ah ugu baahaya, gudana deeggaanada maamulka Galmudug, iyadoo ay jiraan tiro dad ah oo u geeriyooday.
Tirada illaa hadda ka caafimaadey waxay gaaresyaa 10,767, kuwaasoo u badan dhalinyarada jirkooda difaaca adag leh.
Hashi died passed away in the hospital’s ICU three days after he tested positive for the novel coronavirus, becoming the latest high-ranking official to die of the deadly virus in the country amid rises in the cases.
Dad gaaraya 4 qof ayaa mudo 24 saac gudahooda ugu geeriyoodey gudaha Soomaaliya, oo xanuunka uu kusoo laba kacleeyay.
The second wave of Covid-19 hit the country taking the lives of 440 people, among them religious and public figures since 2020.
Axmed Madoobe ayaa sheegay in Xildhibaanka uu qeyb wayn ka qaatay dhismaha maamulkiisa Jubbaland.