Keydmedia Online is a leading independently operated digital media company based in Mogadishu, Somalia. Keydmedia Online is independent, credible and reliable digital media organisation that is committed to give voice to those voiceless people.
Keydmedia Online aims to present objective news on Somalia to domestic and international readers through articles, editorials, and audio-visual materials.
Emphasis is placed on interviews with local politicians on the country's direction. Through its global network of experienced journalists, the organization also strives to provide broad-based coverage and adhere to the ethics of journalism.
The word "Keyd" is from the Somali language and it stands for archive. Keydmedia Group has succeeded in saving some of the Somali cultural heritage after the collapse of the central government. Keydmedia has the following items in archive: 78,000 photos, 44 original posters and over 8900 hours of videos and audios.
Keydmedia Online was founded in 2010 by Somali filmmaker Ali Said Hassan. It is dedicated to the Somali community worldwide.