Both Yasin Farey, who replaced Fahad after he was dismissed by PM Roble in September last year over the murder case and Abdullahi Kulane has joined the new parliament to escape from prosecution.
In a statement, the supreme court announced it has no jurisdiction over complaints from administrative election decisions related to the Indirect Elections in the country which are based on political agreement.
Fahad, who is now the outgoing president’s national security advisor, filed a lawsuit in court early this month after the election body FEIT nullified his election victory over what it termed irregularities.
African officials have demanded the removal of two intelligence agencies inside the Halane compound due to security concerns raised by the intelligence chiefs in Halane.
The sources add that the attackers were former Al-Shabaab defectors, including two who surrendered to the government in 2016, one year prior to Farmajo’s election, and the two others who gave up last year.
Qatar has been influential in Somali politics during Farmajo's four years in office as president and has been accused of meddling in the country's internal affairs.
Ikran Tahlil, has been working under Fahad Yasin and his deputy Abdullahi Kulane during her time in NISA since 2017. She has had sensitive information about thousands of youths secretly sent to Eritrea for covert training 2019-2020.
Labo dhacdo ayaa tan iyo shalay laga diiwaan-geliyay Garoonka, oo Madax safraysay loo diiday inay diyaarada ka raacaan.
Yasin Farey who is NISA’s acting director won the Lower House seat Galmudug in November last year as Ex-spy chief Fahad Yasin, who is now Farmajo’s security advisor expected to join the next parliament.
Sirdoonka dalalka deriska, sida Kenya iyo Itoobiya ayaa diiday inay la shaqeeyaan Fahad Yaasiin mudadii saddexda sano, ee uu agaasimaha ka ahaa hay'adda NISA.
Saddex maalmood lama furin qeybta lagu iibiyo qalabka dhismaha ee ku teedsan Jid-Mareexaanka, waxaana arintaas ka hadashay dowladda Soomaaliya.
A source told Keydmedia’s English Service that the blast and the subsequent clashes come as the commander of the Somali army Gen Odowa Yusuf Rage is in Dhusamareb city.