The first strike took place 176 kilometers northeast of Mogadishu, killing seven militants, while the second strike took place approximately 220 kilometers northeast of Mogadishu, killing eight al-Shabab fighters.
Though lawmakers promised accountability in the immediate aftermath of the ambush, a report from the Center for a New American Security found that few improvements had been made to the oversight process by 2020.
It's the third operation by AFRICOM in Somalia since Biden authorized the re-deployment of American forces to the country in May 2020.
Bishii ugu dambeysay ee uu xilka madaxtinimada, Trump ayaa amar ku bixiyay ku dhawaad 700 oo askari oo Mareykan ah inay ka baxaan Soomaaliya oo ah dalka ku yaalla Bariga Afrika, iyadoo la joojiyay duqeymihii drones-ka iyo tababarka Danab.
AFRICOM – the U.S. Africa command has now few soldiers present in Somalia who are protecting the American interest and its embassy in Mogadishu after more than 700 troops were pulled out last year.
The American forces were pulled out of the country under the executive order of Donald Trump, former US president before he left the White House last January.
Tallaabadan ayaa ka dambeysay kadib markii Trump uu amar ku bixiyay in Ciidanka Mareykanka laga soo qaado Soomaaliya.
Go'aankan ayaa yimid kadib markii dhawaan Sarkaal katirsanaa CIA lagu dilay qarax ka dhacay degaanka Gandershe, ee duleedka Muqdisho.
Horaantii 2021, Trump ayaa Soomaaliya ka saarey boqolaal askari oo Ameerikaan ah, oo Danab tababar siin jiray, sidoo kalena howlgallo duqeymo ah ka wadey dalka.
The US Africa command suspended counter-terrorism operations in the country last January before Biden stepped in the White House.
Trump ayaa Ciidanka Mareykanka ka saarey Soomaaliya bishii January kahor inta uusan ka tagin Aqalka Cad.
Gawaaridu waxay taageeri doonaan howlgalada iyo awoodda Ciidanka DANAB ee dagaalka ay kula jira argagixisada.