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Warar Keydmedia Online | 2 August 2021

The local authorities said the aim of the sweep was to ensure the security of the city ahead of the parliamentary election which is due to kick off in the coming days.

Warar Keydmedia Online | 27 July 2021

Ciidanka Kenya waxay Soomaaliya soo galeen 2011, iyagoo fulinaya howlgal gaar ah, waxayna sanad kadib ku biireen AMISOM.

Warar Keydmedia Online | 6 June 2021

Kenyan defence forces [KDF] have been committing atrocities in southern Somalia since invading the country in 2011.

Warar Keydmedia Online | 28 May 2021

The IED blast occurred in the busy market in the town of Baidoa in the Bay region, about 250 km to the northwest of the Somali capital Mogadishu.

Warar Keydmedia Online | 10 April 2021

According to a leaked document exclusively obtained by KON, the command of the AMISOM has been dragging its feet all the way in releasing the blood money it pledged to give to the families of the victims.

Warar Keydmedia Online | 11 April 2022

The most recent extended lockdown of the Base Camp took place from 17th December 2021 to 8th January 2022 (end of the year festive season).

Warar Keydmedia Online | 23 February 2022

According to AMISOM, the new contingent will also perform duties such as guarding key government installations, conducting patrols, ensuring public order, and guarding VIPs and high-level events.

Warar Keydmedia Online | 15 February 2022

James Swan iyo Wakiilka Midowga Afrika ayaa khudbado u jeedin doona, iyagoo ka warbixinaya xaaladda hadda ay Soomaaliya ku jirto.

Warar Keydmedia Online | 10 February 2022

Ciidanka ayaa ka kooban Uganda, Burundi, Kenya, Jabuuti iyo Itoobiya, oo ku deeqay howlgalka AMISOM 22,000 oo askari 2007.

Warar Keydmedia Online | 5 February 2022

Ciidanka AMISOM waxay ka socdaan Uganda, Burundi, Kenya, Itoobiya iyo Jabuuti, waxayna qeybtii ugu horeysay timid Muqdisho 2007.

Warar Keydmedia Online | 3 February 2022

Howlgallada militeri ayaa hoos u dhacay tan iyo sanadkii lasoo dhaafay markii Ciidanka Mareykanka dalka isaga baxeen, lana joojiyay duqeymihii dhanka cirka.

Warar Keydmedia Online | 25 December 2021

Tallaabadan ayaa muujinaysa inuu sii xumaanaya xiriirka dowladda Soomaaliya kala dhaxeeyay AMISOM iyo Safaaradaha shisheeye ee degan xarunta Xalane.